Fireworks Saturday 8pm

Friday, Saturday and Sunday October 14th, 15th and 16th
Friday 4pm-8pm, Saturday 11am-8PM, Sunday 11am-5pm

Classic & Antique Car Show

Contact Info:

Mike  Falzone


Fairdgrounds address!
211 Derry Rd, Hudson, NH 03051


E-Mail Us!

I will be at the field and not able to respond
to e-mails!!!

Mark Your Calendar for Friday, October 14th, Saturday, October 15th, and Sunday October 16th.


Fireworks by Atlas Foreworks Saturday-8PM


Thank you for participating on our 2010 PumpkinFest. We have started booking and planning for 2011! If you have suggestions,
ideas, or are looking for a rewarding place to volunteer- please give Mike a call at 603-320-8020. Many hands make light work!





  5th annual Hudson, NH PumpkinFest, Friday, Saturday, Sunday October 14, 15 and 16th

What is Hudson, New Hampshire PumpkinFest