Digital Credit Union Pumpkin Contest
Carving Rules
Hudson PumpkinFest will
be hosting pumpkin carving contest with 3 categories by age. Great
prizes will be awarded for 1st, and 2nd
in each category. So register to carve your Pumpkin and bring it to be
judged the day of Pumpkinfest!
Rules & Regualtions:
one entry per individual and only one individual per entry.
contestants 10 years & older must carve and complete only one pumpkin
alone and unassisted. Contestants under 10 years may receive minimal
assistance when necessary.
contestants will provide their own pumpkin (any size, shape or kind)
contestants must submit a completely carved pumpkin, ready for judging
at the specified Check-In Time.
reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is offensive or done in
bad taste.
entering the contest, contestants accept and agree to these rules and
the prize judging process, which shall be final.
Entrants agree to allow Hudson Pumpkinfest to use images of the pumpkins
for publicity and promotion.
Judged: By the Hudson Business owners
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Prizes Presented at 7:00 pm
Prizes Awarded:
Presentation Time: 7:00pm, Saturday, October 18th
Place – $100 cash
Place – $50 DCU Visa Gift card
3rd Place –
$25 DCU Visa Gift card
Registration: Walk-Ins Are Welcome
Age Categories
years and under
Registration and Check-In:
Check-in at the Pumpkinfest Info Table
Friday, Oct 17 and Sat, Oct 18
arrivals will be disqualified.
Display of Pumpkins:
Pumpkins will be
displayed at the Hills House during PumpkinFest. Owners may pick up
pumpkins any time after judging, or all day Sunday- Left over pumpkins
will be thrown away Monday, Oct. 20th.
Carving Jack-O-Lanterns
What is harvest and Halloween without jack o lanterns? One of the
best things about Halloween is decorating your home or yard for the
holiday -- or a Fall party festival. From large to small, pumpkins make
great decorations to get into the Autumn spirit.
Whether you want your jack-o-lantern to be cute, creepy or
downright scary, here are some pumpkin picking and classic carving tips
for some great jack-o-lanterns. Make sure you take a picture of your
masterpiece when you're finished for unique Halloween memories.
How to Pick a Perfect Pumpkin
- Take your camera along to capture the moment.
- If possible, go straight to the pumpkin patch and hand-pick your
pumpkins right off of the vine. Some farms offer unique varieties
such as miniatures and ghost white pumpkins.
- Grab some gourds and Indian corn while you're at it and you're all
set for Halloween decorating. Not only is it fun, your pumpkins and
gourds will be fresh and last longer.
- Look for a well-balanced pumpkin with a steady base.
- Make sure the stem isn't broken.
- Choose a solid, not soft or mushy pumpkin.
- The color should be dark and even, with no fungus.
- Check the pumpkin for flat spots and molding.
- Never pick up a pumpkin by the stem, it may break off.
- If you plan on carving your pumpkin, make sure it's not too small.
You will need ample room for carving out the face.
- After you've brought it home, leave it in the garage for the night
if a freeze is in the weather forecast.
Carving a Jack 'O Lantern
- Use a large spoon to scoop out the seeds.
- The rind should be about 1" thick so it doesn't collapse.
- Map out your pumpkin face on a piece of paper ahead of time for
some ideas.
- Draw the lines for your lid before carving. Make a special
"notch" so the lid is easy to put on.
- When using a stencil, pick a pumpkin that is similar in shape to
the pattern you are using.
- Use a knife long enough to cut through the rind, but not so long
that it cuts the other side.
- When you carve out the lid, angle your knife slightly towards the
center of the pumpkin. This keeps the lid from falling into the
- If the base of your pumpkin sets crooked, consider cutting out the
bottom to straighten it out and provide a sturdy base for a candle
when you set it down.
- Draw the facial features on the pumpkin ahead of time with a
pencil or use a stencil pattern specifically for jack-o-lanterns.
- Don't cut out the features on your jack-o-lantern too closely
together or it's face will probably weaken and cave in.
- Your pumpkin will last longer if you use an electric or battery
operated lighting device instead of a candle.
- If you choose to use a candle, insert an appropriate scented one
-- such as cinnamon, spice or "baked pumpkin pie."
- Coat the edges of your carving with petroleum jelly to reduce
- You don't have to carve your pumpkin. Consider using a stencil to
draw on the face. Fill in the features with markers or acrylic paint
made for crafts.