October 10th is cut off day for
vendors to register by mail!
We will try an update this as we

The event takes place rain or shine. Be prepared.
Your space is 12' x 12'. If you need more, you need to pay for an extra
space. We lay out the grounds on a first come-first served basis, so book
People who stay all 3 days get the first spots.
Saturday and Sunday vendors are placed next, and the one day vendors get
placed last. The craft area is surrounded by the Carnival, Petting Zoo,
Beer Tent and Stage, and Big Trucks- so traffic flows and there isn't a
bad spot.
Please remember that on Friday and Saturday
evenings, it will be dark by 6PM. You will need electricity if you want
lights in your booth. Bring at least 100-200' extension cords. If
you did not pay for electricity, you will not get it- so plan ahead.
Many vendors bring some type of pop up or EZE up
canopies for covering. You may also bring tarps or material for walls on
the back and sides, because you will be backed up to a row behind you. All
tents must be securely staked into the ground. Last year we had 24-40 mile
and hour winds, and 15 pop ups were ruined by being blown away- Please
bring stakes, weights, or whatever you need to secure your tent.
Spots will be assigned, and on your first day,
there will be a check in area to find your spot. You can drive to your
spot to unload and set up. We will announce 15 minutes before opening that
all vehicles need to be removed from the field. NO VEHICLES will be
allowed at your booth! There will be a vendor parking area. Vendors will not be allowed to
drive on the field until 8PM Friday and 7PM Saturday nights. You may carry
your valuables out. Tents can be left overnight. We provide security
for the overnight hours, but do not have the manpower to watch the entire
field- you leave items at your own risk.
Set up times begin at 7am on Saturday and Sunday,
and 10am on Friday.
If you haven't paid your vendor spot, only cash is
accepted the days of the show- NO CHECKS! Again- please plan ahead! We
have turned people away on the day of the event before, and will again-
There is an ATM on the grounds. You can
also pre-pay with a credit card- we will not hold spaces for day of event
We've tried to be as flexible as possible, but the
safety of our guests is paramount, and that's what we're very strict with
field rules. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Mike
Falzone at 603-320-8020.
We will be having trick or treating on Sunday,
2-4pm. Children in costumes will be allowed to Trick or Treat at all
vendor booths, so please bring some candy to give away. And why do we do
this- because all these little cherubs bring their parents with them, and
must come to your booth to get the loot. The rest is up to you!!
Have Fun- we look forward to seeing you!! |